
Tax Exempt Status

The Emerald Coast A&M Club, Inc. is a Florida not-for-profit corporation, and recognized as a tax exempt charitable organization by the IRS [501c(3)].  All revenue goes to fund our scholarships at Texas A&M University.  It is chartered by The Association of Former Students at Texas A&M University, but is a completely separate financial entity.  

Club Donations

Club donations are used for operating expenses such as filing Florida Department of State Annual Report, USPS PO Box renewal, hosting fundraising events (BBQ, Shrimp boils, TAMU athletic director or Presidents night etc.).  Member donations have replaced annual club dues at the request of many of our members. So please donate so we have the funds to continue having local area events across the panhandle!  Gig’em!

Scholarship Donations

If you wish to make charitable donations in support of scholarships click the Donate button below.  Don’t forget your donations are eligible for employer’s matching gift programs! 

Other Ways to Donate

The Emerald Coast A&M Club is a registered charity of where any purchase from their 700 merchants generate funds for our scholars.  Just click on Emerald Coast A&M Club iGive Program.

Support our scholars every time you search the internet! Go to:, and enter Emerald Coast A&M Club as your charity. Every search generates 1¢ for our scholarships. If every Aggie on the Emerald Coast used this for one search a day, Goodsearch would pay for three of our scholarships, with no money out of pocket for our members! page, where you can sign up for the iGive program.  Every purchase donates a tax-deductible contribution to our scholarship fund.

Support our scholars every time you search the internet! Go to:, and enter Emerald Coast A&M Club as your charity. Every search generates 1¢ for our scholarships. If every Aggie on the Emerald Coast used this for one search a day, Goodsearch would pay for three of our scholarships, with no money out of pocket for our members!